Cootje Horst oil-paintings and pastels

This website shows some samples of the paintings, pastels and some drawings by Cootje Horst. (1920 - 1992)
Cootje Horst painted her entire life with an amazing passion and love and, as you'll see from these samples, developed a unique style of her own.
She painted over 300 paintings in oil on canvas and hundreds of pastels on paper.
She studied painting at the Koninklijke Academie of The Hague and the Beaux-Arts Academy of Brussels.
In 1950 she won the yearly Royal Price of the Netherlands for young artists.
During her life she had many exhibitions in the Netherlands and in France.
Cootje Horst often travelled abroad (a.o. France, Spain, Haïti) in order to gain inspiration from the various landscapes and people.
The works shown on this website are mostly in private collections and NOT for sale.
The family Horst however still owns a considerable number of paintings and pastels which are available for exhibitions and can be viewed upon request and purchased by the public
Anyone interested can contact the family Horst by mail:
Copyright © 2017 Family Horst
Any reproduction of this website without prior written permission from the Family Horst is strictly forbidden
published, Amsterdam, 18 november 2023, webmaster Udghosh Hessel
Below you'll find two galleries
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