Precious Stones

On this page you see photographs of a collection of 268 minerals and stones that were collected for many years by our late aunt Koosje.
On each photograph you can see a measuring-stick by which one can estimate the real size of the stones.

We are currently in contact with an expert who, as well as he can, is examining the stones and determining the possible origins and value of the stones.
By the end of july 2024 we will have a good idea of the value of the collection (which - by the way - consists of a total of 400 to 500 pieces - not all were photographed)

If you find this site and are interested in acquiring the collection, please contact the family after july 2024 by mail at udghosh @ chello. nl (take away the blanks to get the emailaddress). We will NOT sell single pieces, we intend to sell the entire collection as a hole. An interested buyer can receive the experts report - an excellfile - with the minerals names and possible origins.
Thank you,
Udghosh Hessel
Just click on a photogaph below to start a slide show - you move with the arrow keys.

the end for now....